



In recently testing a web application on Windows/Mac desktop browsers - and then on an iPad I noticed various differences in Safari that I wasn't expecting. even though the version # is the same.

I'd like to compose a list of those differences (for myself and others) to have as a developer reference.

e.g. in Safari on the iPad

  • iPad Safari takes full control of Select list/option styling
  • iPad opens the onscreen keyboard when an input element receives focus, thus inline floating calendar widgets (and the like) may not work as expected (or need to be altered)
  • iPad Safari doesn't support position:fixed like desktop Safari
  • iPad Safari (similar to iPhone/iPodTouch Safari) automatically hyperlinks 10 digit numbers to offer phone #/contact options
  • iPad Safari prompt('long message...','default'); shows only 1 line of the message (though it does provide scrolling of the message

I've heard from others that certain JavaScript doesn't work, etc. etc. but I have yet to fully test it thus I'd be grateful for any discoveries that you may have encountered.


It also looks like iPad Safari has issues with elements with overflow:auto; that therefore should show scrollbars (test page with div's and iframe's).

+1  A: 

I thought this might be useful: Apple's guide to preparing web content for the iPad

Just been caught out by the position:fixed issue my self

+1  A: 

A few more for you:

  1. No Flash
  2. Lousy iFrame support (so facebook like etc. needs a custom implementation for iPad)
  3. Weird caching limitations
  4. HTML textAreas doesn't get a scroll bar (you have to double-finger swipe - which of course, is amazingly intuitive)

In general. Treat it like a scaled up iPhone, not a scaled down Desktop.

Michael Mullany
any further details on what the iframe issue(s) are?
iframes on mobile safari don't respect overflow directives. here are some examples:
Michael Mullany
+1  A: 

Safari on iPad has the same issue with button width/padding as on the iPhone describes this problem and a solution for removing padding on a button with text, but this does not help you if you want a button to be narrower than the padding itself (e.g. for a button that only has a small icon on it). To do that, I had to surround the button with an outer element with a defined width and overflow: hidden like so:

<span style="border: solid 1px blue; display: block; width: 16px; overflow: hidden">
    <button style="-webkit-appearance: none; border-width: 0">&nbsp;</button>

(the blue border is to show where the button is, it's not critical to the hack)

+1  A: 

This rule fixes animation flickering in Safari on iOS devices:

body {-webkit-transform:translate3d(0,0,0);}
Yes, but use with caution on pages with large DOMs or with many high res images. In those cases it can cause Safari to simply crash, reason yet to be determined.
Oskar Austegard