




Given a point (pX, pY) and a circle with a known center (cX,cY) and radius (r), what is the shortest amount of code you can come up with to find the point on the circle closest to (pX, pY) ?

I've got some code kind of working but it involves converting the circle to an equation of the form (x - cX)^2 + (y - cY)^2 = r^2 (where r is radius) and using the equation of the line from point (pX, pY) to (cX, cY) to create a quadratic equation to be solved.

Once I iron out the bugs it'll do, but it seems such an inelegant solution.

+1  A: 

Trig functions, multiply by r, and add pX or pY as appropriate.

Windows programmer
x = r cos( ... ); y = r sin( ... ); I count 2 lines of code.
Oh.. heh I totally avoided using trig thinking it would be easier without it..
Why would you avoid using trig in a trig problem?
Trigonometry is often (usually) very slow relative to other methods. One example is calculating the shortest distance between a point and a line segment; a matrix algrebra solution is much faster than trig.
As a rule of thumb, if you're using trig you're probably not doing it right. There are almost always simpler/faster methods using vectors or other constructs.
+5  A: 

i would make a line from the center to the point, and calc where that graph crosses the circle oO i think not so difficult

Johannes Schaub - litb
... or would cross the circle, if inside the circle.
Brad Gilbert
+1  A: 

Solve it mathematically first, then translate into code. Remember that the shortest line between a point and the edge of a circle will also pass through its center (as stated by @litb).

Daniel Spiewak

Treat the centre of the circular as your origin, convert the co-ordinates of (pX, pY) to polar co-ordinates, (theta, r') replace r' with the original circle's r and convert back to cartesian co-ordinates (and adjust for the origin).

Rob Walker
+14  A: 

where P is the point, C is the center, and R is the radius, in a suitable "mathy" language:

V = (P - C); Answer = C + V / |V| * R;

where |V| is length of V.


double vX = pX - cX;
double vY = pY - cY;
double magV = sqrt(vX*vX + vY*vY);
double aX = cX + vX / magV * R;
double aY = cY + vY / magV * R;

easy to extend to >2 dimensions.

Mike Dunlavey
I implemented the Maths bit you posted before you wrote out your code. However, I found I needed to have pX - vX, not pX + pY to get the closest side. Anyway thanks for this - I'm curious to see if there are any shorter solutions.
V/|V| is the unit vector from C toward P, so I just multiplied it by R and added it to C. Wouldn't you multiply by -R to get the farther point?
Mike Dunlavey
I see my mistake. I should have said C + V/|V| * R
Mike Dunlavey
Heh, I was using C + anyway :-)
I just changed it.
Mike Dunlavey
But I was using C - p not p -c ...
Works perfectly now.
The ratio of distance to success divided by time must set a record.
Mike Dunlavey
What about when the ponit given is the same as the centre? Special case you need to deal with.
Of course it will blow up when C == P
Mike Dunlavey
And also if the radius is zero - is that still a circle?
@WW ... I see what you did there
Took the characters right out of my kbd.
Mike Dunlavey
Of course, it then just returns the centre.
Right. It's degenerate.
Mike Dunlavey
+1  A: 

You asked for the shortest code, so here it is. In four lines it can be done, although there is still a quadratic. I've considered the point to be outside the circle. I've not considered what happens if the point is directly above or below the circle center, that is cX=pX.

m=(cY-pY)/(cX-pX);  //slope
b=cY-m*cX;  //or Py-m*Px.  Now you have a line in the form y=m*x+b
X=(  (2mcY)*((-2*m*cY)^2-4*(cY^2+cX^2-b^2-2*b*cY-r^2)*(-1-m^2))^(1/2)  )/(2*(cY^2+cX^2-b^2-2*bc*Y-r^2));

1] Get an equation for a line connecting the point and the circle center.

2] Move along the line a distance of one radius from the center to find the point on the circle. That is: radius=a^2+b^2 which is: r=((cY-Y)+(cX-X))^(1/2)

3] Solve quadratically. X=quadratic_solver(r=((cY-Y)+(cX-X))^(1/2),X) which if you substitute in Y=m*X+b you get that hell above.

4] X and Y are your results on the circle.

I am rather certain I have made an error somewhere, please leave a comment if anyone finds something. Of course it is degenerate, one answer is furthest from your point and the other is closest.

This looks familiar. A teammate in a programming contest used this solution and ended up with two solutions like this. We'd finished all the other questions so we all worked together but couldn't find a rule for which is closest and which is furthest. I punted to brute force. It's not homework, it's
Windows programmer
+1  A: 

Easy way to think about it in terms of a picture, and easy to turn into code: Take the vector (pX - cX, pY - cY) from the center to the point. Divide by its length sqrt(blah blah blah), multiply by radius. Add this to (cX, cY).

Mike Kantor