



I have my Git repository hosted at I would like to push updates and such to and then log into my Windows server and do a git pull to get my changes (that are verified to work on my local machine. Ideally I should have another server setup as my local machine settings are different from the live server. But I'm cheap.).

It seems like whenever I try to do a git pull on the server, the files seem to get modified somehow since the last pull. And so I am unable to get the update as git says I need to commit my local (Windows server) changes.

How can I use git like I want to? Or is there a better way?


Is it possible you change the git core.autocrlf flag after cloning the repository?

Issue 83 on the google code project form msysGit goes deeper in on this topic.

If that it the case, doing a new clone should fix the problem (as long as the flag is not touched).

Peter Tillemans
I would always strongly suggest running with autocrlf off. Its evil and shouldn't be the default in msysGit.
Yann Ramin
I agree, I weeded out all programs which could not deal with UNIX line endings in text files from my Windows systems a long time ago. I much prefer that my Word/OpenOffice/Images etc remain intact than that I can edit my files in notepad.
Peter Tillemans