



To help support and anyone who may use one of my applications I tend to log a few things during the application startup.

Currently I log:

  • Start Time
  • App Name
  • App Author
  • App Version
  • App Classpath
  • Current working directory
  • Java vendor
  • Java version
  • Max heap size

Taking into consideration this application may be used / supported by a whole host of people can anyone think of any other vital details which we / others should log for good practice?

  • operating system (version, service pack, language)
  • the user name that is running the code
  • basic hardware information (CPU architecture, number of cores, amount of RAM, motherboard manufacturer, network interfaces, video adapter)
  • system infomation (amount of free disk space, commit / charge, CPU load, up time, number of processes)
  • database information (vendor, version, server address, authentication mechanism) if applicable
  • startup parameters if applicable
  • application server details if applicable
Taneli Waltari
+1  A: 

Don't forget to log any user-customizable configuration information that you're running with. This could come from a config file, a database, the registry, or some other place.

Andrew Anderson