I'm using GWT internationalization Messages. The documentation for Plural Forms says this should work:
@DefaultMessage("{0} {1,number} hours {2}")
@PluralText({"one", "an hour"})
String hours(String prefix, @PluralCount int count, String suffix);
Well, it doesn't. Whatever value of count
it still delivers DefaultMessage
(e.g. "1 hours ago"). Same if I use a .properties file:
hours[one]=an hour
hours[few]=some hours
hours={0} {1,number} hours {2}
Is there a bug in the docs or in GWT (I'm using GWT 2.0.3) or in me? If any of the two former, anyone knows of a workaround?
EDIT: More clues to this mystery. I can get plural handling to work if I don't rely on default locale handling. That is, I need:
In my module's gwt.xml file:
<extend-property name="locale" values="en"/>
In my Messages extentsion:
public interface MyMessages extends Messages { ...
Explicitly load the "en" locale by appending to the URL
See http://groups.google.com/group/google-web-toolkit/browse_thread/thread/80ae300213cc6adb where I have cross posted this question.
EDIT 2: The reason I entered this GWT plurals land is that I'm creating a "GWT HUman Readable Relative Timestamps" module. Open sourced at GitHub: http://github.com/PEZ/GWT-Relative-Time Please check it out. It'll very soon have correct singular forms and support for some languages. =)