Hi, Are there any librarys for mood matching a song. i.e. some algorithm to finger print every song and shuffle the list by my mood(the current playing file(s))?
Cheers, Mark
Hi, Are there any librarys for mood matching a song. i.e. some algorithm to finger print every song and shuffle the list by my mood(the current playing file(s))?
Cheers, Mark
I found this hard to believe, but "There's an app for that". MoodAgent apparently does what you're talking about. You might be able to download it and do some reverse engineering based on the capabilities already in the software.
Thanks for the question - it made me find what could be an interesting piece of software.
Heres some interesting things I have found http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_fingerprint http://ismir2003.ismir.net/papers/Liu.PDF