



To optimize builds between Windows and Linux (Ubuntu 10.04), I've got a UNC share of the source tree that is shared between systems, and all build output goes to local disk on each system. This mostly works great, as source updates and changes can quickly be tested on both systems, but there's one annoying limitation I can't find a way around, which is that the Linux CIFS mount is case-insensitive. Consequently, a test compile of code that has an error like:

#include "Foo.h"

for a file foo.h, will not be caught by a test build (until a local compile is done on the Linux box, e.g. nightly builds)

Is it possible to have case-sensitivity of the Windows UNC share on the Linux box? I've tried a variety of fstab and mount combinations with no success, as well as editing the smb.config to set "case sensitive = yes"

Given what the Ubuntu man page info states on this:

       Request case insensitive path name matching (case sensitive is the
       default if the server suports it).

I suspect that this is a limitation from the Windows UNC side, and there's nothing to be done short of switching to some other mechanism (is NFS still viable anywhere?)

If anyone has already solved this to support optimized cross-platform build environments, I'd appreciate hearing about it!