I just want to know some bad programming practice or code I should avoid to make sure it does not exist in my code. I use c# asp.net but the example you give can be in any language since the idea is still the same. I have follow many suggestions on SO that really cleaned my code up. Now I looking to launch my application and want to make sure its ready for prime time.
God Object
This is from a real project I wrote that is responsible for filtering/collating/printing data from the filesystem. What follows is merely a signature for that piece of junk. (This class is doing entirely too much... )
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
#include <cryptopp/md5.h>
#include <cryptopp/sha.h>
#include "utility.h"
class OldFileData
//Defines for the individual bits in the bitset containing properties for this filedata object
ARCHIVE = 0x00000001, // Standard Win32 Attributes
COMPRESSED = 0x00000002,
DIRECTORY = 0x00000004,
FILE = 0x00000008,
HIDDEN = 0x00000010,
READONLY = 0x00000020,
SYSTEM = 0x00000040,
VOLLABEL = 0x00000080,
WRITABLE = 0x00000100,
REPARSE = 0x00000200,
TEMPORARY = 0x00000400,
WIN32ENUMD = 0x00000800,
// END Standard Win32 Attributes
// Signature Attributes
SIGPRESENT = 0x00001000,
SIGVALID = 0x00002000,
// Executable Attribtutes
DLL = 0x00004000,
DEBUG = 0x00008000,
ISPE = 0x00010000,
ISNE = 0x00020000,
ISLE = 0x00040000,
ISMZ = 0x00080000,
//Internal state attributes
//These are used to check if the more time consuming attributes need to be enumerated.
PEENUMERATED = 0x00100000,
PECHKSUM = 0x00200000,
SIGENUMERATED = 0x00400000,
CRYPTSVCERROR = 0x00800000,
mutable DWORD bits; //Container for the bits in the enum above
//This is mutable because constant functions
//use the bitset to cache their responses
std::wstring fileName;
//PE Information
mutable FILETIME headerTime;
mutable DWORD headerSum;
mutable DWORD calcSum;
//Version information block
mutable std::vector<BYTE> versionInformationBlock;
WORD wLanguage;
WORD wCodePage;
bool operator==(LANGANDCODEPAGE &rhs)
return wLanguage == rhs.wLanguage && wCodePage == rhs.wCodePage;
bool operator<(LANGANDCODEPAGE &rhs)
if (wLanguage != rhs.wLanguage)
return wLanguage < rhs.wLanguage;
return wCodePage < rhs.wCodePage;
mutable std::vector<LANGANDCODEPAGE> versionTranslations;
//Hex managment
boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, bool> > > hexStorage;
//Enumeration functions
//When the results aren't cached in the bitset bits, these functions calculate
//the correct values and place them into the bitset.
void initPortableExecutable() const;
void sigVerify() const;
void enumVersionInformationBlock() const;
//Group set functions
//These functions set a large number of items according to an external data structure
void setAttributesAccordingToDWORD(DWORD win32Attribs) const;
//Internal calculation functions
void inline appendAttributeCharacter(std::basic_string<TCHAR> &result, const TCHAR attributeCharacter, const size_t curBit) const;
std::wstring getVersionInformationString(const std::wstring&) const;
template <typename hashType> std::wstring getHash() const;
//PE Checksum functions (from Code Project)
WORD ChkSum(WORD oldChk, USHORT * ptr, DWORD len) const;
DWORD GetPEChkSum(LPCTSTR filename) const;
//SFC Safe Mode Fix functions
static std::vector<std::wstring> sfcFileStrings;
enum {
} SFCStates;
static unsigned int sfcState;
void buildSfcList() const;
inline void setupWin32Attributes() const;
//Returns the Win32 handle for the file
HANDLE getFileHandle(bool readOnly = true) const;
//Construct a fileData record using a Win32FindData structure and a search path.
OldFileData(const WIN32_FIND_DATA &rawData, const std::basic_string<TCHAR>& root);
//Construct a fileData record using a raw filename
OldFileData(const std::wstring &fileNameBuild);
//Type extensions
//Used for comparisons and for getting implicit conversions
bool operator<(OldFileData& rhs);
operator std::wstring () const {return getFileName(); };
//Accessor methods
//Return information about the current filedata object
inline unsigned __int64 getSize() const;
inline const std::basic_string<TCHAR> & getFileName() const;
//Access times
inline const FILETIME getLastAccessTime() const;
inline const FILETIME getLastModTime() const;
inline const FILETIME getCreationTime() const;
inline const FILETIME getPEHeaderTime() const;
//VFIND style attribute string
std::wstring getAttributesString() const;
//PE Attribute string
std::wstring getPEAttribsString() const;
//Basic WIN32 Attributes
inline bool isArchive() const;
inline bool isCompressed() const;
inline bool isDirectory() const;
inline bool isFile() const;
inline bool isHidden() const;
inline bool isReadOnly() const;
inline bool isSystem() const;
inline bool isVolumeLabel() const;
inline bool isWritable() const;
inline bool isTemporary() const;
inline bool isReparsePoint() const;
//PE Data Attributes
inline bool isPE() const;
inline bool isNE() const;
inline bool isLE() const;
inline bool isMZ() const;
inline bool isStrongExecutable() const;
inline bool hasAuthenticodeSignature() const;
inline bool peHeaderChecksumIsValid() const;
inline bool isDLL() const;
inline DWORD getPEHeaderCheckSum() const;
inline DWORD getPECalculatedCheckSum() const;
void resetPEHeaderCheckSum();
inline bool peHeaderTimeIsValid() const;
//Digital Signature Attributes
inline bool hasValidDigitalSignature() const;
//Windows File Protection Attributes
bool isSfcProtected() const;
//Hashing functions
std::wstring MD5() const;
std::wstring SHA1() const;
std::wstring SHA224() const;
std::wstring SHA256() const;
std::wstring SHA384() const;
std::wstring SHA512() const;
// Version information functions
inline std::wstring GetVerCompany() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerDescription() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerVersion() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerProductName() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerCopyright() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerOriginalFileName() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerTrademark() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerInternalName() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerComments() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerPrivateBuild() const;
inline std::wstring GetVerSpecialBuild() const;
// Logging function
void write();
Stale Comments:
//this comment says the code does XYZ
void someFunction()
//actually does 123...
Non Idiomatic Development (e.g. FORTRAN C++)
// badly named functions and variables
void a()
int i;
int j;
int k;
public bool IsListconntSmalleThaOne(IList<IContact> listOfResults) {
if (listOfResults.Count >= 1)
return false;
return true;
Some of the things wrong with this:
- Inconsistent naming convention
- Inconsistent indent style
- Needlessly long name
- Completely pointless function
- Is actually inefficient
Gas Factory
Same project as before. This started out nice, but as bugfix after bugfix was piled onto it, it's become a nasty mess.
void recursiveScanner::scan()
WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
bool fastEcho = (!globalOptions::sortMethod[0]) && globalOptions::zipFileName.empty(); //cache whether we're able to output quickly or not
//Create a list to hold our results
std::list<OldFileData> results;
//This list is a queue of remaining folders to scan. Initialized with the common root of the regexes
std::list<std::wstring> foldersToScan;
if (globalOptions::noSubDirectories)
for (std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<regexClass> >::iterator it = globalOptions::regularExpressions.begin(); it != globalOptions::regularExpressions.end(); it++)
std::wstring curRegexRoot((*it)->getPathRoot());
if ((*it)->getPathRoot().empty())
foldersToScan.erase(std::unique(foldersToScan.begin(), foldersToScan.end()),foldersToScan.end());
if (foldersToScan.empty())
} else
std::wstring commonRoot = getRegexesCommonRoot(globalOptions::regularExpressions);
do { //Go until the queue is empty
std::wstring& currentSearchDirectory(foldersToScan.front());
// Start finding the current directory
hFind = FindFirstFile(currentSearchDirectory.c_str(),&findData);
// If for some reason this directory does not exist, skip it but throw no error
//Remove the \* suffix used for the find functions
if (globalOptions::showall)
globalOptions::showall = false; //. and .. should not be shown for recursed subdirectories
if (findData.cFileName[0] == L'.' && findData.cFileName[1] == NULL)
if (!FindNextFile(hFind,&findData)) //Skip .
if (findData.cFileName[0] == L'.' && findData.cFileName[1] == L'.' && findData.cFileName[2] == NULL)
if (!FindNextFile(hFind,&findData)) //Skip ..
std::list<std::wstring>::iterator insPos = foldersToScan.begin();
do { //Loop through the current directory
OldFileData currentFile(findData, currentSearchDirectory);
//If it's a directory and it passes the tree's directory check,
//add it to the list of directories to search
if (!globalOptions::noSubDirectories)
if (currentFile.isDirectory())
if (globalOptions::logicalTree->directoryCheck(currentFile.getFileName()))
std::wstring newDir(currentFile.getFileName());
insPos = foldersToScan.insert(insPos,newDir);
//If the tree says this file doesn't match, go ahead and check the next one
if (!globalOptions::logicalTree->include(currentFile))
//If we're sorting, store the file into the results list for sorting later.
//Otherwise just print it now
if (fastEcho)
} while (FindNextFile(hFind,&findData)); //While there's anything left
} while(!foldersToScan.empty()); //Go until the queue is empty
//If we're sorting, sort and print the results
if (globalOptions::sortMethod[0])
for(std::list<OldFileData>::iterator it = results.begin(); it != results.end(); it++)
if (!globalOptions::zipFileName.empty()) //If there's a zip file name, do the zip.
zipIt(globalOptions::zipFileName, results);
Learning about bad practices "in general" is a bad practice.
If you are a writer, you don't learn by reading arbitrary bad books. Same here.
On the other hand, if you have a concrete problem at hand, then yes, you might want to learn different solutions of this problem, both good and bad. But as stated, your question is too broad; a pile of unrelated bad code examples will not be useful.