



Ok so I'm making a "simple" web app using the technologies from the topic, recently I found so I'm following it and I try to apply it to my app, the only difference being I'm working on a Mac and I'm using MAMP for the database (so no command line for me).

The thing is I'm having some trouble with retrieving/connecting to the database.

I have the remoting-config.xml, persistance.xml, a class (my Entity), a class, a class - all just like in the tutorial. I have of course this line in one of my .mxmls:

<mx:RemoteObject id="loaderService" destination="newsService" result="handleLoadResult(event)" fault="handleFault(event)" showBusyCursor="true" />

And my remoting-config.xml looks like this (well part of it):

<destination id="newsService">



NewsService has a method:

    public List<News> getLatestNews() {
    EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT);
    EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
    Query findLatestQuery = em.createNamedQuery("news.findLatest");
    List<News> news = findLatestQuery.getResultList();
    return news;

And the named query is in the News class:

@NamedQuery(name="news.findLatest", query="from GLT_NEWS order by new_date_added limit 5 ") 

The handledLoadResult looks like this:

    private function handleLoadResult(ev:ResultEvent):void {
        newsList = ev.result as ArrayCollection;
        newsRecords = newsList.length;


private var newsList:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

But when I try to trigger:


nothing happens, newsList is empty.

Few things I need to point out: 1) as I said I didn't install mysql manually, but I'm using MAMP (yes, the server's running), could this cause some trouble? 2) I already have a "gladm" database and I have a "GLT_NEWS" table with all the fields, is this bad?

Basically the question is how am I suppose to debug this thing so I can find the mistake I'm making? I know that loadData() is executed (did a trace()), but I have no idea what happens with loaderService.getLatestNews()...

@EDIT: ok so I see I'm getting an error in the "fault handler" which says

"Error: Client.Error.MessageSend - Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 404: url: 'http://localhost:8080/WebContent/messagebroker/amf' - "

@EDIT2: Ok i solved the problem, as it turns out my ContextRoot was incorrect, the funny thing is I couldn't edit it by going to Project properties->Flex Server as it was uneditable! I had to find the .flexProject file and edit it (obviously my Flex Navigator didn't show it and by accident I noticed it was being filtered).


your error means you are not calling the server on the right way. Something is wrong there, the url the web.config file or other BlazeDS config files.

Adrian Pirvulescu