When Flex Sees Something Like This:
<mx:Label text="Hello {MyVar} World!"/>
It Must Translate That Somehow Into ActionScript. But What If I Need To Do Something Similar, At Runtime. How Can I Accomplish What DYNAMICALLY? WHEN I DO NOT KNOW THE CONTENTS OF THE BINDING TEMPLATE.
In ActionScript it would need it to look something like this:
public function CustomDynamicBinding(StringToBind:String):Label {
// *EXAMPLES* Of StringToBind:
// "Hello {MyVar} World!"
// "Product: {name} ${price}.00"
// "{data.label}, {data.description}"
// I've Written It This Way Because I DO NOT KNOW The Exact Text To Be Bound At Design Time.
var Lab:Label=new Label();
How can I accomplish this kind of "Dynamic" binding... Where I don't know the value of "StringToBind" until runtime? For the purposes of this question we can assume that I do know that any variable(s) mentioned in "StringToBind", are guaranteed to exist at runtime.
I already realize there are much more straightforward ways to accomplish this exact thing STATICALLY, and using only Flex/MXML. It's important for my project though that I understand how this could be accomplished without MXML.
Doing This: lab.text = stringToBind.replace("{myVar}", str);
Will NOT work because this simply assigns ONCE the value of "{myVar}" - (which may not even BE the variable referenced in "stringToBind"!!) to the label, and does not take into account when and if myVar changes! Wouldn't I need to somehow use something Like bindProperty?