




I have setup svn on my server and Subclipse at home. I am the only developer and am mainly using it for the backup and versioning features.

Everytime I commit my changes I get eighter:

Out Of date errors


Tree conflicts

Sometimes I even delete files and they don't delete on svn, in a directory hierarchy only the very last item will delete so I have to delete each folder one at a time.

How do I avoid these errors in the future?

Update: Another problem I am having is that sometimes eclipse seems to sync with the server so that when I refactor a filename it goes off to the server and does something and makes me wait, which is annoying.

And for clarity, this is a typical operation: I might change a filename, move a file to a different folder then change the contents of a file. I select the 'Team menu' and click 'commit'. Then I get all these errors above.


Do you always svn update before modifying your files? It is mandatory.

When deleting, you commit the deletion? Otherwise, you only delete in local

Llistes Sugra
No, I don't update. I just select the commit button. Can you tell me exactly what I should be doing?
Before any change, you must Right click -> Team -> Update To HEADOtherwise, you might be modifying an already modified file
Llistes Sugra
But how can it be modified as I am the only person updating?
If I have to run Update To HEAD every time this will really affect my efficiency also. Is this with every file, even if I change the contents?
If I rename a folder, it instead creates a new folder with a blue arrow and put the files inside the new folder, however, all subfolders are still under the old folder name????