I'm updating a set of objects, but the update fails on a SqlException that says "Incorrect Syntax near 'Where'".
So I crack open SqlProfiler, and here is the generated SQL:
exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [dbo].[Addresses]
WHERE ([AddressID] = @p0) AND ([StreetAddress] = @p1) AND ([StreetAddress2] = @p2) AND ([City] = @p3) AND ([State] = @p4) AND ([ZipCode] = @p5) AND ([CoordinateID] = @p6) AND ([CoordinateSourceID] IS NULL) AND ([CreatedDate] = @p7) AND ([Country] = @p8) AND (NOT ([IsDeleted] = 1)) AND (NOT ([IsNonSACOGZip] = 1))',N'@p0 uniqueidentifier,@p1 varchar(15),@p2 varchar(8000),@p3 varchar(10),@p4 varchar(2),@p5 varchar(5),@p6 uniqueidentifier,@p7 datetime,@p8 varchar(2)',@p0='92550F32-D921-4B71-9622-6F1EC6123FB1',@p1='125 Main Street',@p2='',@p3='Sacramento',@p4='CA',@p5='95864',@p6='725E7939-AEE3-4EF9-A033-7507579B69DF',@p7='2010-06-15 14:07:51.0100000',@p8='US'
Sure enough, no set statement.
I also called context.GetChangeSet() and the proper values are in the updates section.
Also, I checked the .dbml file and all of the properties Update Check values are 'Always'.
I am completely baffled on this one, any help out there?