



I want to be able to search within the commit logs of svn. I know you can do that on tortoise. We are moving to a two-tiered repository approach, so that the stable branch will only get fully completed and tested stories. To achieve that, I would need a way to search within the commit messages for the story code (eg:#s1322) and get a list of the revisions to be used in a subsequent merge command.

Ex: searchsvnapp http://[repo location root] #s1322

result: 4233,4249,4313

This would then be copied and pasted in a merge command that would allow to apply all the revisions at once.

BTW, Is there any way to use the merge command to apply several revisions at once?

Thanks Emerson

+1  A: 

Sounds reasonable. The search part could be implemented with a script around the command line svn client, reading the output of "svn log", or "svn log --xml". You could even use an XSLT stylesheet in the latter case. The "--limit" option is worth using, so you save time by only searching comparatively recent commits.

The answer to your BTW question is "svn merge -c 4233 -c 4249 -c 4313".


Actually, the command to apply several merges at once in sequence is:

svn merge http://subversion/svn/repository -c 228,245,251,254
