I have a following object model:
- Book -- Chapter 1 --- Page 1 ---- Image 1 ---- Image 2 ---- Text 1 --- Page 2 ...
Resources are way down at the page level. But, I need to know the full path to resources, from the resources' point of view.
One way, is to have resources be aware of their parents.
So my Image object could have a "parentPage" property, which in turn could have a "parentChapter" property. This way, I could access the complete path via currentImage.parentPage.parentChapter. Is there a better way?
A couple of words on why I'd need to know the full path from a resource's point of view. I have an object model that gets walked and rendered on screen. The renderer descends from chapter level all the way down into the element/resource level (this is where the rendering occurs). However to display the resources, I need to know where they live (ie the actual path on disk) and this information is typically specified at the Chapter level.
-- Edit -- Just to clarify, is this parent.parent approach the best? It forces child objects to know about the parents, which makes me uncomfortable. Coupling?