I have written this code for myself(it is not a home work) I want to know is this correct?thanks
Algorithm with time Θ (nlogn), which can provide an array of n members to determine whether two elements in the array that are equal to x and then return those elements
Algorithm Sum(arr,1,n):
For i<-- 1 to n
m<-- BinarySearch(arr,arr[i],i+1,n)
return m and arr[i]
//end of the sum algorithm
Algorithm BinarySearch(arr,arr[i],p,q)
If (arr[j]+arr[i]=x)
Return arr[j]
else if (i<j)
Return BinarySearch(arr,arr[i],p,j-1)
Return BinarySearch(arr,arr[i-j],j+1,q)
// end of BinarySearch algorithm