About the question... It never asked for the optimal solution and these types of questions do not want that. You need to write a general purpose algorithm to handle this problem and a brute-force search to find the best solution is not feasible for strings that may be megabytes in length. Also I noticed late that there are guaranteed to be the same number of 0s and 1s, but I think it's more interesting to work with the general case where there may be different numbers of 0s and 1s. There actually isn't guaranteed to be a solution in every case if the length of the input string is less than 7, even in the case where you have 2 0s and 2 1s.
Size 3: Only one digit so it is sorted by definition (UU0 UU1 0UU 1UU)
Size 4: No way to alter the order. There are no moves if UU is in the middle, and only swap with both digits if it is at an end (1UU0 no moves, UU10->10UU->UU10, etc)
Size 5: UU in the middle can only move to the far end and not change the order of the 0s and 1s (1UU10->110UU). UU at an end can move to middle and not change order, but only move back to the same end so there is no use for it (UU110->11UU0->UU110). The only way to change digits is if the UU is at an end and to swap with the opposite end. (UUABC->BCAUU or ABCUU->UUCAB). This means that if UU is at positions 0 or 2 it can solve if 0 is in the middle (UU101->011UU or UU100->001UU) and if UU is at positions 1 or 3 it can solve if 1 is in the middle (010UU->UU001 or 110UU->UU011). Anything else is already solved or is unsolvable. If we need to handle this case, I would say hard-code it. If sorted, return result (no moves). If UU is in the middle somewhere, move it to the end. Swap from the end to the other end and that is the only possible swap whether it is now sorted or not.
Size 6: Now we get so a position where we can have a string specified according to the rules where we can make moves but where there can be no solution. This is the problem point with any algorithm, because I would think a condition of any solution should be that it will let you know if it cannot be solved. For instance 0010, 0100, 1000, 1011, 1100, 1101, and 1110 can be solved no matter where the UU is placed and the worst cases take 4 moves to solve. 0101 and 1010 can only be solved if UU is in an odd position. 0110 and 1001 can only be solved if UU is in an even position (either end or middle).
I think the best way will be something like the following, but I haven't written it yet. First, make sure you place a '1' at the end of the list. If the end is currently 0, move UU to the end then move it to the last '1' position - 1. After that you continually move UU to the first '1', then to the first '0' after the new UU. This will move all the 0s to the start of the list. I've seen a similar answer the other way, but it didn't take into account the final character on either end. This can run into issues with small values still (i.e. 001UU01, cannot move to first 1, move to end 00101UU lets us move to start but leaves 0 at end 00UU110).
My guess is that you can hard-code special cases like that. I'm thinking there may be a better algorithm though. For instance you could use the first two characters as a 'temporary swap variable. You would put UU there and then do combinations of operations on others to leave UY back at the start. For instance, UUABCDE can swap AB with CD or DE or BC WITH DE (BCAUUDE->BCADEUU->UUADEBC).
Another possible thing would be to treat the characters as two blocks of two base-3 bits
0101UU0101 will show up as 11C11 or 3593. Maybe also something like a combination of hard-coded swaps. For instance if you ever see 11UU, move UU left 2. If you ever see UU00, move UU right two. If you see UU100, or UU101, move UU right 2 to get 001UU or 011UU.
Maybe another possibility would be some algorithm to move 0s left of center and 1s right of center (if it is given that there are the same number of 0s and 1s.
Maybe it would be better to work on an a structure that contained only 0s and 1s with a position for UU.
Maybe look at the resulting condition better, allowing for UU to be anywhere in the string, these conditions MUST be satisfied:
No 0s after Length/2
No 1s before (Length/2-1)
Maybe there are more general rules, like it's really good to swap UU with 10 in this case '10111UU0' because a '0' is after UU now and that would let you move the new 00 back to where the 10 was (10111UU0->UU111100->001111UU).
Anyway, here's the brute force code in C#. The input is a string and an empty Dictionary. It fills the dictionary with every possible resulting string as the keys and the list of shortest steps to get there as the value:
m_Steps = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
DoSort("UU1010011101", new List<string>);
It includes DoTests() which calls DoSort for every possible string with the given number of digits (not including UU):
Dictionary<string, List<string>> m_Steps = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
public void DoStep(string state, List<string> moves) {
if (m_Steps.ContainsKey(state) && m_Steps[state].Count <= moves.Count + 1) // have better already
// we have a better (or new) solution to get to this state, so set it to the moves we used to get here
List<string> newMoves = new List<string>(moves);
m_Steps[state] = newMoves;
// if the state is a valid solution, stop here
if (state.IndexOf('1') > state.LastIndexOf('0'))
// try all moves
int upos = state.IndexOf('U');
for (int i = 0; i < state.Length - 1; i++) {
// need to be at least 2 before or 2 after the UU position (00UU11 upos is 2, so can only move to 0 or 4)
if (i > upos - 2 && i < upos + 2)
char[] chars = state.ToCharArray();
chars[upos] = chars[i];
chars[upos + 1] = chars[i + 1];
chars[i] = chars[i + 1] = 'U';
DoStep(new String(chars), newMoves);
public void DoTests(int digits) { // try all combinations
char[] chars = new char[digits + 2];
for (int value = 0; value < (2 << digits); value++) {
for (int uupos = 0; uupos < chars.Length - 1; uupos++) {
for (int i = 0; i < chars.Length; i++) {
if (i < uupos)
chars[i] = ((value >> i) & 0x01) > 0 ? '1' : '0';
else if (i > uupos + 1)
chars[i] = ((value >> (i - 2)) & 0x01) > 0 ? '1' : '0';
chars[i] = 'U';
m_Steps = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
DoSort(new string(chars), new List<string>);
foreach (string key in m_Steps.AllKeys))
if (key.IndexOf('1') > key.LastIndexOf('0')) { // winner
foreach (string step in m_Steps[key])
Console.Write("{0}\t", step);