Hi I am a newbe to bash programming and need some help. I am building a pipeline for image processing. I would like to be able to take the png images in a folder and pass them to clusterImage.pl once that is done I would like to then pass the outputted file to seperateObjects.pl the outputted file is of the same name but has kmeansOutput.all.matrix attached to the end. Below is what I have so far, but it is not working. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
#This script will take in an image and a matrix file.
#The output will be an image and a matrix file.
list=`ls *.png`
for i in $list
$image_array = $list
echo $file
#Cheching to see if the file exists.
if [ -e image_array[j] ]; then
echo $file
echo "Begining processing"
#Take in an image and create a matrix from it.
perl clusterImage.pl SampleImage.png
#Take in a matrix and draw a picture showing the centers of all
#of the colonies.
perl seperateObjects.pl SampleImage.png.kmeansOutput.all.matrix
echo "Ending processing"
echo "There is an issue"