Hi, I'm using Linq to XML with databinding, and it is partly working in that my textbox fields correctly display the selected item from my ListBox. The Listbox is databound to a List<> which is loaded from an XML file at initialisation time, and the textbox's are also databound to the same List<>.
I've also written a function that clears and enables the textbox's, allows the user to type in there and then click a button to add the new item.
When the add button is clicked, the new item is correctly added to the dataset List<> (I can see the number of items grow, and can display new item data on a label), however the ListBox does not reflect the newly added item.
I followed an example which I got from Codeproject, but that project didn't go far enough so I am trying to expand it.
My code is included below, if anyone can point out what I am missing or doing wrong, or even suggest a better way.
BTW, all this takes place inside a VSTO Outlook addin, and the windows are WPF, not forms.
Thanks, will.
The first bit - the XAML for my listbox
<ListView HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="45,10,0,82" Name="jobListView" Width="316" DataContext="{Binding}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" SelectionChanged="lbFolderList_SelectionChanged">
<GridView >
<GridViewColumn Width="90" Header="Created" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=created}" />
<GridViewColumn Width="250" Header="Outlook Folder" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=olfldr}" />
<GridViewColumn Width="250" Header="Msg Folder" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=msgfldr}" />
The code for one of the textbox's used for viewing/adding
<TextBox Name="oLFolderEdit" Height="27" Margin="405,82,370,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Text="{Binding Path=olfldr}" Focusable="True" IsEnabled="False" />
The .cs file for the above XAML (not all fields and code for them is inluded, they all work pretty much the same)
namespace SVPUtilities
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for EmailMonitor.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class EmailMonitor
List<cJobMon> jobList = new List<cJobMon>();
public EmailMonitor()
jobList = cDAL_JobMon.LoadJOBMON();
jobListView.DataContext = jobList;
private void lbFolderList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
oLFolderEdit.Text = jobList[jobListView.SelectedIndex].olfldr;
private void AddFolder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
oLFolderEdit.IsEnabled = true;
oLFolderEdit.Text = "";
jobListView.IsEnabled = false;
private void FolderOk_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
jobList.Add(new cJobMon()
FolderListLabel.Content = "Folder List (" + jobList.Count + ")";
and finally the class used to populate the listbox on startup (all fields inluded in the class here that were omitted in the code above)
namespace SVPUtilities.DAL
public class cJobMon
public string created { get; set; }
public string olfldr { get; set; }
public string msgfldr { get; set; }
public string sphrs { get; set; }
class cDAL_JobMon
public static List<cJobMon> LoadJOBMON()
List<cJobMon> ListJobRecords = new List<cJobMon>();
int i = 0;
// Execute the query using the LINQ to XML
var jobs = from j in XElement.Load(@"C:\devel\VS\SV Utilities\SVPUtilities\job_folders.xml").Elements("job") select j;
foreach (var job in jobs)
cJobMon lJob = new cJobMon
created = job.Element("created").Value,
olfldr = job.Element("olfldr").Value,
msgfldr = job.Element("msgfldr").Value,
sphrs = job.Element("sphrs").Value,
return ListJobRecords;