




I am a bit of a newbie around Security nitty gritties and especially around Cryptography.

In the application we are building( application built on .NET 3.5), we are currently using Databases to save our users authentication information (AD etc is not an option at this point). The intention is to do a one way salted hash of the passwords using SHA256Managed on user creation and then validate the users using the same. Ideally, we do not want to use any third party dll's for the hashing algorithm unless absolutely necessary to avoid any unnecessary dependencies.

Questions:- 1. Is there a better option than doing a salted one way hash? 2. Is SHA256 a reasonably reliable / secure option or should we be considering anything else? 3. Is the SHA256Managed implementation in System.Cryptography good enough in terms of it speed etc or should we be considering 3rd party alternatives to it?

Any pointers as to the approach / implementation will be helpful.


Yes, there's nothing wrong with SHA256 and certainly SHA256Managed will be "fast enough" for most use cases (I'm sure you're not expecting to be validating 1000s of login requests per second, and even if you were, the rest of the site would still be dwarfing the login requests...)

But have you considered the Membership stuff that's built-in to the framework? They're already done all the hard work in terms of securely storing credentials, and implementing all the support functionality as well (such as password resets, etc)

Dean Harding
Actually..i had heard about the membership stuff but not really explored it yet. Your comment reminded me that i need to. Thanks! :-)
  1. Yes, retina scan (just kidding). Storing passwords as hashes with salt is the correct way.
  2. SHA256 is good. Obviously I don't know the type of an application you are working on, but SHA256 is good for the vast majority of projects. You can always go to a higher key length (384, 512) if required. Consult with your security architect.
  3. SHA256Managed (we are talking .net, right?) is good. We use it in our projects.

Please also consider reading this:

Yes. Its a .NET implementation that i was referring to. Thanks for the link.
Hi, Since there is a preference to using algorithms inbuilt as part of the .NET framework itself, i think this is possibly the option that I will go with for now. Thanks for the help.Decision on whether to go with SHA256Managed / SHA512Managed is pending though.
+1  A: 

I did some research on this back in the day, and the consensus was BCrypt was one of the best ways to do a one way hash.

You can see a C# implementation here:

In addition, what's nice about BCrypt is you can decide how many rounds you'd like it to go through.

So, you can make it take about 1 second to encrypt for example. For a user, that's an acceptable wait time, but for someone trying to attack you through brute force, 1 second is an eternity.

I am no security expert, so take what I say here as a grain of salt. A salt you can send in to your BCrypt method :)

In addition, here's some advice from Atwood on this:

Thanks CubanX, i will definitely look up BCrypt

Storing password hashes with salt it correct. However, it's easy to get even that much wrong. Sure, right now SHA256 will keep the baddies at bay, but give it a few years. Suddenly, SHA256 might not seem so secure anymore. You need to use BCrypt, a future-proof hashing algorithm.

Joel Coehoorn