



I've read a comment from Norman Ramsey about using metadata for generating documentation in lua.

I'm attempting to generate documentation from my lib, and I'd rather not use luadoc if possible.

I'd like to know more about this "metadata-oriented" method for generating documentation - methodology, examples, or programs used.

Other answers are welcome, but this is a question that probably Norman can answer better than anyone else.


+1  A: 
Norman Ramsey
The extra blank lines in the code examples arise from a bug in markdown, which Jeff has tagged 'by-design', so I think we have to assume this problem won't be fixed.
Norman Ramsey
Ooh shiny! I like the idea! thanks! Please update your answer when you are ready to share the code, otherwise I'll not know that you published it! In the meantime, answer accepted!
@Norman, you could always try <pre> blocks in place of markdown indented code blocks. This is often better for Lua since SO's and markdown don't color it very well, and is usually better for quoting program output since it isn't code at all.