All of the internal web pages at the place I work were designed and built specifically for IE 6, but now they want me to research what it would take to move to Firefox and Safari and other major browsers... and ActiveX does not work in Firefox.
So what would be a good way to take what is currently the ActiveX functionality and totally scrap ActiveX and rewrite the functionality? Basically, I'm looking for suggestions on what would be a good solution to making things work on browsers on Mac?
Is it a good idea to rewrite using Java Applets or ActionScript? After doing some research, there is just no way to integrate ActiveX on a Mac so what are possible solutions to make things work on Mac?
Let me know if my explanation is unclear... I'll try to explain better.
UPDATE: an example of some ActiveX functionality:
var rp_UserSettings = null;
var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XmlHttp");
var serverResponseGet = "";
var serverResponseSet = "";
var serverResponseErrorDesc = "";
var rpFieldInfo = null;
var results = [];
/*Retrieves the user profile xml and stores it as an XML DOM in rp_UserSettings.*/
function retrieveUserSettings(){
var PageURL = RoamProfURL + '/getprofile' + '?today=' + escape((new Date()).toString());
xmlhttp.Open("GET", PageURL, false);
rp_UserSettings = xmlhttp.responseXML;
serverResponseGet = xmlhttp.responseText;
rp_retCode = rp_UserSettings.selectSingleNode("//returncode");
if (rp_retCode == null){
rp_UserSettings = null;
return ;
Thanks, Hristo