I don't think Flex supports anything like this, but I'm new to it and thought it couldn't hurt to ask anyway before I go off and implement it myself. I'm basically wondering if Flex can give me the union or difference or intersection of two XMLLists, as in Python's sets:
>>> a = set([1, 2, 3])
>>> b = set([3, 4, 5])
>>> b.difference(a) # set([4, 5])
I'd like to do the same thing in principle with two XML lists.
list1 = [<column name="c1" />, <column name="c2" />]
list2 = [<column name="c1" />, <column name="c2" />, <column name="c3" />]
list2.difference(list1) // [<column name="c3" />]
Native support would be awesome, so just throwing the question out there.