Caching the data of the first query will probably NOT result in better performance. When SQL Server receives the query it breaks it down to simple steps, chooses the proper indexes and operators and retrieves the data using those indexes. By storing the first query's data in a table variable or temporary table you are preventing SQL Server from using any indexes on the Employees table.
If you rewrite your query to its equivalent using JOIN it's easier to see what happens
FROM CostCenters c INNER JOIN Employees e on c.EmployeeId=e.EmployeeId
WHERE e.BossId=1
When SQL Server sees this query it will check the statistics of the tables. If BossId is a highly selective indexed column it may first try to filter by this. Otherwise it will use any indexes on the EmployeeId columns to limit rows from both tables to a minimum, then BossId to find the proper rows and return them.
Filtering operations on indexes are quite fast as the indexes contain only a subset of the row data, are easier to cache in memory and have a physical structure that allows quick searching.
You really shouldn't try to second-guess SQL Server's query optimizer before you encounter an actual performance problem. Most of the time you will prevent it from selecting the best execution plan and result in worse performance