For example to create a simple form with couple of controls, doing some simple logic on them, generating a shell command or a web service call and executing it here and now, assuming that it is going to be no tomorrow for this application, no unexpected things can occur to be handled, computer resources are unlimited, etc. The code'd be compact and readable, everything'd fit in 1-2 files, better no special project/solution/makefile at all.
7What's the easiest way (language, tools, etc) to write quick-n-dirty ad-hoc GUI apps in Linux?
One way would be using Tool Command Language. It supports rapid prototyping, scripted applications, GUIs and testing.
If you are looking for prompting + user options then zenity is what you need. A command line prompting tool for use mostly in shell scripts. might be exactly what you are looking for. Well if you are familiar with C/C++ then you can try using gtk+-2.0. There are lot of sample tutorials and online help available for both..
If you're keen on using straight shell scripts zenity gives you just enough power. If you prefer a language with a cleaner syntax and also a bit more power/flexibility python+gtk is a very good option.
Python + Tkinter if you want to write entire GUI based apps. Zenity if you want a slap a GUI onto your shell scripts.
GNU Dialog. Tutorial from Linux Journal: