Is the running time of the Merge
algorithm O(n log k)?
- k is the number of lists.
- n is the total number of elements in all of the lists (n = n1 + n2 + ... + nk).
algorithm MakingAHalf(List_Of_Lists)
if List_Of_Lists.size() = 1
return the only list in List_Of_Lists
split List_Of_Lists into two halfs (First_Half and Second_Half)
Merge(First_Half, Second_Half, Min_Heap)
algorithm Merge(First_Half, Second_Half, Min_Heap) //T(n) = O(n log k)?
while First_Half is not empty and First_Second is not empty do
if First_Half.first().element() < Second_Half.first().element() then
Insert(Min_Heap, First_Half.remove(First_Half.first()))
Insert(Min_Heap, Second_Half.remove(Second_Half.first())
while First_Half is not empty do
Insert(Min_Heap, First_Half.remove(First_Half.first())
while Second_Half is not empty do
Insert(Min_Heap, Second_Half.remove(Second_Half.first())
algorithm Insert(A, key)
A[n+1] <-- key
while (i > 1) and (A[i] > A[[i/2]]) do
swap A[i] and A[[i/2]]
i <-- i - 1