



I would like to know if there is any Linux distribution where you can easily install and use Python 3. This means a distribution that will provide not only Python 3 binaries and updates but also python modules.

I know that probably we are not going to see any python 3 as the default python interpretor so soon but at least I would like to see latest 2.x as default (2.6+) one and the alternative one already installed.

Probably it is a question between major distributions: Ubuntu, Fedora or Suse?

+4  A: 

Fedora, starting with 13, allows python3 to be installed in parallel with python2 and it includes some of the more popular python3 modules.

+7  A: 

Ubuntu 10.04 comes by default w/ Python 2.6.5, but the following python 3 packages are in the standard repositories as well:

python3                 python3.1-minimal       python3-dev
python3.0               python3.1-profiler      python3-doc
python3.1               python3.1-tk            python3-examples
python3.1-celementtree  python3.1-wsgiref       python3-gdbm
python3.1-cjkcodecs     python3.2               python3-gdbm-dbg
python3.1-ctypes        python3-all             python3-minimal
python3.1-dbg           python3-all-dbg         python3-pkg-resources
python3.1-dev           python3-all-dev         python3-profiler
python3.1-doc           python3-bsddb           python3-setuptools
python3.1-elementtree   python3-bsddb3          python3-tk
python3.1-examples      python3-bsddb3-dbg      python3-tk-dbg
python3.1-gdbm          python3-dbg

For the rest you'll have to rely on easy_install and pip (of course, after manually installing them). hth

Gerald Senarclens de Grancy
So does the few previous Ubuntu versions (but not sure how far back).
Note that most (all?) of these simply belong to a standard python distribution. There are almost no additional libraries.
+2  A: 

I think most distros have it. Debian has it so all derived distros (Ubuntu et. all) do. Fedora as well. It's just that it's not used for the standard system utilities so just typing python will give you a 2.x interpreter.

Noufal Ibrahim
+1  A: 

Gentoo has Python3 (I have 2.6.4-r1 and 3.1.2-r3 installed, 2.6 being the default). A quick search reveals that ebuilds of python libraries tested on both 2.x and 3.x have already been built for both versions on my machine (thank God for python-updater, obviously).

Gentoo + Python developing is a very nice combination (if you do like the way Gentoo works, that is).