I'm starting to look into technologies to support a project that involves video chat between one party using a web browser and another party using a fat client (technology TBD, per below).
I see three components that need to be identified (and I'd prefer to avoid reinventing any wheels): the web client (video recording & playback), fat client (video recording & playback), and a server to act as interchange between them.
When I last did similar work years ago Flash seemed to be the only game in town, but I suspect there are other viable options now. What set of technologies for the above components (or suggest an alternate architecture) fit my wishlist below?
- Web-client side can be embedded in a web page and will have access to a local camera.
- Fat client side must be so simple as to be automatic (i.e. no complex camera configuration)
- Launching this side from a browser (e.g. WebStart) is legit
- If there are different technologies used for the two clients, use a standard interchange technology between them.
- My team is most comfortable in the Java ecosystem and would prefer technologies that are easily embeddable. But, this last point is negotiable (e.g. if Silverlight is a perfect fit, then perhaps we could go with C# instead for the fat client).
Thanks for any pointers!