I am implementing drag and drop from a DataGrid onto a List in a Flex 3 AIR application. I would like to have the drag image be a photo (jpg) referenced by a String field in the data grid item, named 'imagePath'. I'm having trouble getting the image to show up during dragging. I have triple checked that it is not because of an invalid path to the image. I have tried Image's source() and load() methods in every way I can think of. I am calling this method 'dragCurrentToList(event)' on a mouseDown event.
private function dragCurrentToList(event:MouseEvent):void
var current:Object = event.currentTarget.selectedItem;
var dragImg:Image = new Image();
dragImg.width = 100;
dragImg.width = 100;
var dsource:DragSource = new DragSource();
dsource.addData(current, 'record');
DragManager.doDrag(event.currentTarget as DataGrid, dsource, event, dragImg);
This works perfectly if I set the image source to the following bindable variable but I don't want to hardcode the image name.
public var dragIcon:Class;
dragImg.source = dragIcon