I would like to maximize a function with one parameter.
So I run gradient descent (or, ascent actually): I start with an initial parameter and keep adding the gradient (times some learning rate factor that gets smaller and smaller), re-evaluate the gradient given the new parameter, and so on until convergence.
But there is one problem: My parameter must stay positive, so it is not supposed to become <= 0 because my function will be undefined. My gradient search will sometimes go into such regions though (when it was positive, the gradient told it to go a bit lower, and it overshoots).
And to make things worse, the gradient at such a point might be negative, driving the search toward even more negative parameter values. (The reason is that the objective function contains logs, but the gradient doesn't.)
What are some good (simple) algorithms that deal with this constrained optimization problem? I'm hoping for just a simple fix to my algorithm. Or maybe ignore the gradient and do some kind of line search for the optimal parameter?