I'm working with a .NET based Web Service where some of the API calls can be accessed via HTTP POST/GET but on others only SOAP 1.1/1.2 are available.
The company that has developed the API have come back to me have said the following and I was wondering if he's trying to pull the wool over my eyes or whether he's speaking the truth. His response doesn't sit comfortably with me so I thought I would try and check but haven't been able to find an answer.
I was thinking it is very odd as I have not specified anything on the other methods in order to make them accessible using the HTTP Post or HTTP Get protocols. I have globally set it so that they should all be accessible. I have been looking into this, and it seems that the HTTP Post and HTTP Get protocols can only be used with methods that use simple types, e.g. where a method takes and integer parameter. The methods you have listed below take more complex objects, e.g. nullable type or custom objects. However the SOAP protocol can be used with this complex methods.