



Hello guys

I know pretty well about documenting application requirements with Use cases and modeling a system using Rational Unified Process.

But now I would like to know if is there a template or model for documenting system requirements when using Agile methodology like Scrum.

Thank you

+1  A: 

But now I would like to know if is there a template or model for documenting system requirements when using Agile methodology like Scrum.

There is no template for Scrum because Scrum isn't prescriptive about the way to capture requirements and let you use whatever is appropriate in your context. Many (web) teams are using User Stories and it works well for them but there is no general consensus. Just in case, the recommended template for user stories is:

"As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>."

But nothing forces you to use stories and they are not appropriate for all projects (e.g. Jeff Sutherland said he will never use stories again for PDA projects, UI and navigation rules are too complex for stories).

With Scrum, I'd say that the general principle is to produce just enough (and just in time) specifications (which is different from an exhaustive use case model in a RUP like approach though). It's up to you to find out what format is appropriate for your context.

Pascal Thivent
+1  A: 

Check this out:

(PS: Scrum is a framework)

Pierre 303
Here's some good potential requirements artifacts
Junior Mayhé
I don't see how this page on does answer the question (there isn't a single bit about "requirement management"). But if the OP thinks this answer is right, never mind...
Pascal Thivent
+1  A: 

You can keep on describing your requirements as use cases. Or as user stories. Or as poetry. Whatever you (collective you, incorporating the Product Owner, the Team and the ScrumMaster - and potentially even stakeholders) known and understand. There are two implicit requirements coming from Scrum though.

The requirements must be described in a way that allows: a) splitting them up to the point where one requirement is something that is doable in one sprint, b) and that this requirement when selected for a sprint can be fully and demonstrably implemented ("done").

This is why user stories are so popular. They are easy to understand and they can be simply demonstrated - just take a and try with the increment produced during sprint to check if it is indeed done.

Yes, indeed there are several companies using Use cases, some RUP and old school diagrams
Junior Mayhé