



I've been pulling my hair out trying to get some data to come across to my report. I first used the Microsoft Report viewer, but after trying Crystal Reports - I like the way Crystal Reporting is set up.

The only problem is I can't get a single peice of data to come across from my sql ce DB. I've got a dataset I used as the datasource, thats linked to the proper db - yet nothing comes across.

I even used the report wizard to start off with, specifying the dataset, and report options - called the form - and nothing - only static report headers. Am I missing something here?


Assuming you haven't solved this yourself in the 2 days since you first posted:

  1. Do you get the same problem when you connect to another datasource? What if you make a little dummy table in an MS Access db and connect to it?

  2. Data won't display in Crystal until you have at least 1 db field in the Details section. Try adding 1 manually and then go to Preview.

  3. In your Field Explorer, go to your Database Fields, right click on a field and Browse. Does any data show up or is the little popup window blank?

1. If I connect to a test Access DB - I get data in the Browse Data field context menu2. I did that with the access DB and it works fine3. Not with MY sql ce database, but it does with the Access DBI think the problem is I'm not passing any data. I've read up some on datasets and tableadapters (its been awhile). But all examples show how to pass 1 table of data in. I need to pass 4 tables of data in.
I see a potential solution here. How about using Access as a middleman? i.e. Crystal connects to Access queries which connect to your real DB. The Access queries can be really simple ("Select * from whatever"). It feels unnecessarily complex, but if it works, it works.
Right, honestly my db isnt keeping historical data - Im just having to use the DB for crystal reports to work "nicely". I can probably just re-code my data access to work with an Access DB instead of SQL CE db.
Thanks for the help. Part of the problem was that it was copying the db to the bin/debug directory - and crystal reports was setup to read the main directory. I've actually switched to an Access DB and got everything working just fine.
Well, I still can't explain what the original problem was, but I'm glad you found a way around it.
I wasn't getting any data in my Crystal Report