You've gotten a number of answers already, but I can't really agree with any of them. A few come fairly close to the mark, but fail to mention the crucial point (IMO, of course).
At least to me, the crucial point is quite simple: you should use the standard algorithms when they help clarify the code you're writing.
It's really that simple. In some cases, what you're doing would require an arcane invocation using std::bind1st
and std::mem_fun_ref
(or something on that order) that's extremely dense and opaque, where a for
loop would be almost trivially simple and straightforward. In such a case, go ahead and use the for
If there is no standard algorithm that does what you want, take some care and look again -- you'll often have missed something that really will do what you want (one place that's often missed: the algorithms in <numeric>
are often useful for non-numeric uses). Having looked a couple of times, and confirmed that there's really not a standard algorithm to do what you want, instead of writing that for
loop (or whatever) inline, consider writing an generic algorithm to do what you need done. If you're using it one place, there's a pretty good chance you can use it two or three more, at which point it can be a big win in clarity.
Writing generic algorithms isn't all that hard -- in fact, it's often almost no extra work compared to writing a loop inline, so even if you can only use it twice you're already saving a little bit of work, even if you ignore the improvement in the code's readability and clarity.