I was reading http://duartes.org/gustavo/blog/post/motherboard-chipsets-memory-map and in specific, the following section:
In a motherboard the CPU’s gateway to the world is the front-side bus connecting it to the northbridge. Whenever the CPU needs to read or write memory it does so via this bus. It uses some pins to transmit the physical memory address it wants to write or read, while other pins send the value to be written or receive the value being read. An Intel Core 2 QX6600 has 33 pins to transmit the physical memory address (so there are 2^33 choices of memory locations) and 64 pins to send or receive data (so data is transmitted in a 64-bit data path, or 8-byte chunks). This allows the CPU to physically address 64 gigabytes of memory (2^33 locations * 8 bytes) although most chipsets only handle up to 8 gigs of RAM.
Now the math above states that since there are 33 pins for addressing, 2^33 * 8 bytes = 64 GB. All good, but now I get a bit confused. Let's say I install a 64 bit OS, I'll be able to address 64 GB total or 2^64Gb * 8 = 2^64GB (which is much more)? Also, assuming I'm using the same cpu above on a 32 bit cpu, I can address only 4 GB still (2^32 bits = 4Gb * 8 = 4GB)?
I think the physical vs "OS Allowable" is getting me confused.