I am trying to do print all of the values of an array from a CSV file. I am sort of manually doing this in the example below. Can someone show me the code for doing this for all of the fields of the array no matter how many fields there are? I'm basically just trying to print each field on a new line.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::CSV_XS;
my $file = 'test.csv';
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new ({
quote_char => '"',
escape_char => '@',
binary => 1,
keep_meta_info => 0,
allow_loose_quotes => 1,
allow_whitespace => 1,
open (CSV, "<", $file) or die $!;
while (<CSV>) {
if ($csv->parse($_)) {
my @columns = $csv->fields();
print "$columns[0]\r\n";
print "$columns[1]\r\n";
print "$columns[2]\r\n";
print "$columns[3]\r\n";
print "$columns[4]\r\n";
print "$columns[5]\r\n";
print "$columns[6]\r\n";
print "$columns[7]\r\n";
} else {
my $err = $csv->error_input;
print "Failed to parse line: $err";
close CSV;