
Your kernel is probably unable to load the modules needed to locate your volumes.

My best guess is your initrd is not in the right place. It needs to be in the same directory as the installed kernel.

Also, it's not a good idea to follow Debian instructions for a RedHat system. In general it's ok, but you are doing something that is relatively distribution specific.

James Roth
Thanks for your response. In the /boot directory, there are initrd img files for each kernel. So I'm guessing the issue lies elsewhere? Your comment makes me wonder if there is some type of VMWare module I need to install that exists in the other kernels. I'll start looking into that (or at least trying to!)
Regarding the tutorial, it was one of the better ones I could find dealing with the 2.6 kernel and since the intro stated, "instructions remains the same for any other distribution except for apt-get command" I went with it (using yum for all the apt-get sections). I'd GLADLY follow a redhat tutorial, if I could find a decent one covering 2.6. All the ones I came across were either for 2.4 or RedHat 8/9 (instead of Enterprise 5) or Fedora and they didn't work properly.
Do you see any indications of SCSI modules starting up?
James Roth