I am using JSF 2.0, Spring, Hibernate and GlassFish v3 server and I need to make webservice and I am totally new to webservice can anyone suggest what kind of webservice I should go for...
This question is very vague and the mentioned technologies don't have much to do with web services. Anyway, my recommendation would be to use JAX-WS which is supported by GlassFish out of the box (the implementation is provided by Metro, the WS stack in GlassFish).
Here are a few tutorials:
Pascal Thivent
2010-07-08 17:44:58
do you mean jax-ws (soap based) or jax-rs (rest based). if this is the case http://www.rekk.de/bloggy/2008/java-webservices-relationship-of-jax-ws-jax-rs-metro-and-jersey/
2010-07-08 17:46:00