Currently, I have a more or less organized set of projects I work or worked on. Some are refactored, documented and unit-tested, others are not.
When I want to reuse a code I've written before, I spend a few minutes searching for the project where I've written this code, than copy-paste this code to a new one, refactoring, documenting and unit-testing if need.
It's ugly, because it requires to do extra work, to remember what was written and where, and (probably the ugliest one) to duplicate code across projects. Working with other developers without having a common codebase is a problem too.
Now, I want to create a codebase, but I don't know anything about it and have never seen a serious one in any company.
So where to start? Are there books or online documentation either explaining how to create such codebase or describing an existing or imaginary codebase, how does it work, how is it maintained, etc.?