




I have tried.

My working copy is based on but a modified version of


I want to diff against branch xxx. I have tried

svn diff --old=svn://foo.net/svn/repo/branch/xxx --new=. 

but that only seems like shorthand for

svn diff --old=svn://foo.net/svn/repo/branch/xxx --new=svn://foo.net/svn/repo/branch/yyy
+1  A: 

Seems that subversion doesn't allow to compare working copy with url. Both --old and --new need to be either WC or URL.

I think there's a workaround though - you may checkout your xxx branch and then compare 2 working copies.

svn checkout svn://foo.net/svn/repo/branch/xxx xxx_branch

svn diff xxx_branch yyy_modified_wc
Dmitry Yudakov
+1  A: 

You can also compare between two urls : it's faster because you don't have to checkout the other branch.

svn info # grap url
svn diff localUrl distantUrl
Jean-Philippe Caruana
You sure it shows local working copy modifications?
Dmitry Yudakov
No. It shows differences between two branches. To make it "work", you'll have to commit on the branch you're working on, otherwise the url "trick" won't work.Did I misunderstood the question?
Jean-Philippe Caruana