I'll throw my hat in the ring... Here's a PHP class that is based on dlamblin's psuedo code. Adds support for ranges (X-X) and intervals (*/X). Requires PHP 5.3+.
$cron = new \Cron\Parser('15 2 */15 1 2-5');
// getNextRunDate() returns a \DateTime object
$nextRunDate = $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Usually you know the last time the cron ran, so pass that value to the isDue() method
$isDue = $cron->isDue($lastRunDate);
namespace Cron;
* Cron schedule parser
class Parser
* @var array Cron parts
private $_cronParts;
* Constructor
* @param string $schedule Cron schedule string (e.g. '8 * * * *'). The
* schedule can handle ranges (10-12) and intervals
* (*\/10 [remove the backslash]). Schedule parts should map to
* minute [0-59], hour [0-23], day of month, month [1-12], day of week [1-7]
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if $schedule is not a valid cron schedule
public function __construct($schedule)
$this->_cronParts = explode(' ', $schedule);
if (count($this->_cronParts) != 5) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException($schedule . ' is not a valid cron schedule string');
* Check if a date/time unit value satisfies a crontab unit
* @param DateTime $nextRun Current next run date
* @param string $unit Date/time unit type (e.g. Y, m, d, H, i)
* @param string $schedule Cron schedule variable
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the unit satisfies the constraint
public function unitSatisfiesCron(\DateTime $nextRun, $unit, $schedule)
$unitValue = (int)$nextRun->format($unit);
if ($schedule == '*') {
return true;
} if (strpos($schedule, '-')) {
list($first, $last) = explode('-', $schedule);
return $unitValue >= $first && $unitValue <= $last;
} else if (strpos($schedule, '*/') !== false) {
list($delimiter, $interval) = explode('*/', $schedule);
return $unitValue % (int)$interval == 0;
} else {
return $unitValue == (int)$schedule;
* Get the date in which the cron will run next
* @param string|DateTime (optional) $fromTime Set the relative start time
* @param string $currentTime (optional) Optionally set the current date
* time for testing purposes
* @return DateTime
public function getNextRunDate($fromTime = 'now', $currentTime = 'now')
$nextRun = ($fromTime instanceof \DateTime) ? $fromTime : new \DateTime($fromTime ?: 'now');
$nextRun->setTime($nextRun->format('H'), $nextRun->format('i'), 0);
$currentDate = ($currentTime instanceof \DateTime) ? $currentTime : new \DateTime($currentTime ?: 'now');
$i = 0;
// Set a hard limit to bail on an impossible date
while (++$i && $i < 100000) {
// Adjust the month until it matches. Reset day to 1 and reset time.
if (!$this->unitSatisfiesCron($nextRun, 'm', $this->getSchedule('month'))) {
$nextRun->add(new \DateInterval('P1M'));
$nextRun->setDate($nextRun->format('Y'), $nextRun->format('m'), 1);
$nextRun->setTime(0, 0, 0);
// Adjust the day of the month by incrementing the day until it matches. Reset time.
if (!$this->unitSatisfiesCron($nextRun, 'd', $this->getSchedule('day_of_month'))) {
$nextRun->add(new \DateInterval('P1D'));
$nextRun->setTime(0, 0, 0);
// Adjust the day of week by incrementing the day until it matches. Resest time.
if (!$this->unitSatisfiesCron($nextRun, 'N', $this->getSchedule('day_of_week'))) {
$nextRun->add(new \DateInterval('P1D'));
$nextRun->setTime(0, 0, 0);
// Adjust the hour until it matches the set hour. Set seconds and minutes to 0
if (!$this->unitSatisfiesCron($nextRun, 'H', $this->getSchedule('hour'))) {
$nextRun->add(new \DateInterval('PT1H'));
$nextRun->setTime($nextRun->format('H'), 0, 0);
// Adjust the minutes until it matches a set minute
if (!$this->unitSatisfiesCron($nextRun, 'i', $this->getSchedule('minute'))) {
$nextRun->add(new \DateInterval('PT1M'));
// If the suggested next run time is not after the current time, then keep iterating
if (is_string($fromTime) && $currentDate >= $nextRun) {
$nextRun->add(new \DateInterval('PT1M'));
return $nextRun;
* Get all or part of the cron schedule string
* @param string $part Specify the part to retrieve or NULL to get the full
* cron schedule string. $part can be the PHP date() part of a date
* formatted string or one of the following values:
* NULL, 'minute', 'hour', 'month', 'day_of_week', 'day_of_month'
* @return string
public function getSchedule($part = null)
switch ($part) {
case 'minute': case 'i':
return $this->_cronParts[0];
case 'hour': case 'H':
return $this->_cronParts[1];
case 'day_of_month': case 'd':
return $this->_cronParts[2];
case 'month': case 'm':
return $this->_cronParts[3];
case 'day_of_week': case 'N':
return $this->_cronParts[4];
return implode(' ', $this->_cronParts);
* Deterime if the cron is due to run based on the current time, last run
* time, and the next run time.
* If the relative next run time based on the last run time is not equal to
* the next suggested run time based on the current time, then the cron
* needs to run.
* @param string|DateTime $lastRun (optional) Date the cron was last run.
* @param string|DateTime $currentTime (optional) Set the current time for testing
* @return bool Returns TRUE if the cron is due to run or FALSE if not
public function isDue($lastRun = 'now', $currentTime = 'now')
return ($this->getNextRunDate($lastRun, $currentTime) != $this->getNextRunDate('now', $currentTime));
Unit tests:
use Cron\Parser;
* Cron parser test
class ParserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @covers Cron\Parser::__construct
* @covers Cron\Parser::getSchedule
public function test__construct()
$cron = new Parser('1 2-4 * 4 */3', '2010-09-10 12:00:00');
$this->assertEquals('1', $cron->getSchedule('minute'));
$this->assertEquals('2-4', $cron->getSchedule('hour'));
$this->assertEquals('*', $cron->getSchedule('day_of_month'));
$this->assertEquals('4', $cron->getSchedule('month'));
$this->assertEquals('*/3', $cron->getSchedule('day_of_week'));
$this->assertEquals('1 2-4 * 4 */3', $cron->getSchedule());
* @covers Cron\Parser::__construct
* @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
public function test__constructException()
// Only four values
$cron = new Parser('* * * 1');
* Data provider for cron schedule
* @return array
public function scheduleProvider()
return array(
array('*/2 */2 * * *', '2010-08-10 21:47:27', '2010-08-10 15:30:00', '2010-08-10 22:00:00', true),
array('* * * * *', '2010-08-10 21:50:37', '2010-08-10 21:00:00', '2010-08-10 21:51:00', true),
array('7-9 * */9 * *', '2010-08-10 22:02:33', '2010-08-10 22:01:33', '2010-08-18 00:07:00', false),
// Minutes 12-19, every 3 hours, every 5 days, in June, on Sunday
array('12-19 */3 */5 6 7', '2010-08-10 22:05:51', '2010-08-10 22:04:51', '2011-06-05 00:12:00', false),
// 15th minute, of the second hour, every 15 days, in January, every Friday
array('15 2 */15 1 */5', '2010-08-10 22:10:19', '2010-08-10 22:09:19', '2015-01-30 02:15:00', false),
// 15th minute, of the second hour, every 15 days, in January, Tuesday-Friday
array('15 2 */15 1 2-5', '2010-08-10 22:10:19', '2010-08-10 22:09:19', '2013-01-15 02:15:00', false)
* @covers Cron\Parser::isDue
* @covers Cron\Parser::getNextRunDate
* @dataProvider scheduleProvider
public function testIsDueNextRun($schedule, $relativeTime, $lastRun, $nextRun, $isDue)
$cron = new Parser($schedule);
$this->assertEquals($cron->isDue(new \DateTime($relativeTime), new \DateTime($lastRun)), $isDue);
$this->assertEquals(new \DateTime($nextRun), $cron->getNextRunDate($lastRun, $relativeTime));