I have an excel list (excel 2003) where user enter translations for tokens. It has 3 columns (key, value, language). It can be something like key: Login.Header, value: "Please login to the website" language: en.
This works quite well. I use this file to generate language specific images in a website that uses lots of graphics for texts. The good thing is that users are able to enter text without installing new software, editing is nice and the resulting file can be read easily by my python script.
There is one think that I dislike: If 2 users edit the file and have lots of changes than merging gets a nightmare.
Is there an editing solution that is as good as excel in the areas I described but can be merged more easily?
The answers so far explained how a source controll system can help in such a situation. But I already have SVN in place.
The question is about the file format. There are file formats that are easy to merge with a client like winmerge (like source code for java or c# backend classes) and there are others that are difficult to merge (xml, files generated by code generation). xls - files of excel 2003 can be diffed but it's still no nice format for merging.
I think there is a different application (something like apple works,open office, excel 2010 .. ) that let me edit a table but can be merged more easily.