




I have an executable called "foo" in "/home/myname/mydir/" and am trying to call it from Python, but I am doing something basic and wrong here. Can you help me?

import os, sys
os.system("foo") # os.system("./foo") doesn't work either


+3  A: 

sys.path is the path to Python libraries, not the system PATH to search for binaries. Try changing os.environ['PATH'] instead.

>>> sys.path.append("/opt/local/bin")
>>> os.system("wget")
sh: wget: command not found
>>> os.environ['PATH'] += os.pathsep + '/opt/local/bin'
>>> os.system("wget")
wget: missing URL
That's it. Hot dog.
Rock and or Roll
+2  A: 

You'll want to use the subprocess module instead of os.system, for anything serious. For os.system, do this:

os.system('/home/myname/mydir/foo ')

For subprocess:

p = subprocess.Popen(['/home/myname/mydir/foo'])
if p.returncode != 0:
    raise Exception('foo failed')

If you care about foo's argv[0] being 'foo' and not '/home/myname/mydir/foo', do this:

p = subprocess.Popen(['foo'], executable='/home/myname/mydir/foo')

The reason subprocess is so much better than os.system is that it provides better control over the argument list: it does not require the command line to be parsed by the shell, and that avoids a whole slew of potential security problems, particularly with user-supplied filenames and such. The other reason is that subprocess provides better handling of errors, and better redirection of stdin, stdout, and stderr. (Not shown in the example above.)

Lars Wirzenius
Thanks. I will look into this too.
Rock and or Roll