



Tonight I tried to attempt an ExtPascal application. I am using Delphi 2009.

I followed all the steps in the Getting Started section and after some fights I was able to type


in the browser and see (almost) this effect (almost, last 3 panels had some display problems, the Show source code button doesn't work).

I was also able to debug the application in Delphi.

So not a bad achievement, but is there another way to get started or the only one is to completely study the demo application? Is there some doc that explains how Session work? Is there an Hello World application without thousands of IFDEFs to make life easier to the newbie?

The ExtPascalSamples is rich, but I'd like to start from something easy, with the minimum lines of code needed and minimum number of units?

Update: I found out that studying the demo application is very good, because it introduces you to many extpascal functions, in the source code they are commented very well. Anyway a kind of alternative approach should be good.