



My jqgrid has a bottom toolbar and changes height depending on the user-agent:

height: function(){ return (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) !=null) ?  "100%" :  "222px";}(),
toolbar : [true,"bottom"]

The grid displays a list of titles which is sometimes very long. Therefore, the grid will often be rolled up by the user (especially on the iPad where it is given 100% height, to avoid scrollbar problems on iPad Safari). When the grid gets rolled up, the bottom toolbar becomes invisible too, and only the title-bar remains visible. I would like to keep the bottom toolbar visible.

The use case for this:

When the user clicks one of the buttons in the bottom toolbar, the page starts making ajax database requests, asking for excerpted passages from each selected title in turn. A second button on the bottom toolbar is used to terminate these ajax database requests: "Page, you have shown me enough excerpted passages. Cease and desist!"

Is there an easy way to keep the bottom toolbar visible on roll-up?
