



Basically my problem is that I need to write a script that automatically creates a VPN service in Mac OS X Snow Leopard that can be used on multiple machines to speed up the process rather than going through system preferences every single time. It is specifically needed to run on 10.6.* because the VPN needs to use the Cisco IPSec protocol which is only built in to Snow Leopard. I am not sure if it is even possible, but I was thinking this could be done using terminal commands or some form of shell scripting. I really have no idea where to start though. When I looked through the system for possible start points I found that if you opened the following file with Property List Editor it had all the Network Services.


I'm not sure if that just shows the services or if that actually does control them, thus making it have the ability to add another service through modification of that .plist file. So basically what I am asking is: How can add a network service with specific settings through terminal or scripting?