I m developping a simple dictionnary word app in french with 150k words and definitions. i m looking for the best way to do this.
First i use a sqlite bdd with 150k words. i use the LIKE command for word search but it is very slow ex : SELECT * FROM words WHERE word LIKE '%avoi%' LIMIT 0,50; for searching word who contain 'avoi' like 'avoir' or 'savoir'. my table have the word column indexes but LIKE doesn't use index so it is very slow (2-5)s on 3GS.
After i use fts3 extension off sqlite for use MATCH command ex : SELECT * FROM words WHERE word MATCH 'avoi*' LIMIT 0,50; much better (0,1-0,15s) on 3GS but it s only search for word that begin with 'avoi' word like 'savoir' is not in the result. MATCH command doesn't work with syntax like 'avoi'
Have you any ideas for optimize this text search ?
I have a very good exemple of iphone app : Dixel (Robert Disctionnary) who make this kind of search very fast. Any ideas for the method ?
thanks for answers.