I use an SQL statement to remove records that exist on another database but this takes a very long time.
Is there any other alternative to the code below that can be faster? Database is Access.
email_DB.mdb is from where I want to remove the email addresses that exist on the other database (table Newsletter_Subscribers) customers.mdb is the other database (table Customers)
SQLRemoveDupes = "DELETE FROM Newsletter_Subscribers WHERE EXISTS (select * from [" & strDBPath & "Customers].Customers " _
& "where Subscriber_Email = Email or Subscriber_Email = EmailO)"
NewsletterConn = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & strDBPath & "email_DB.mdb"
Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = NewsletterConn
MM_editCmd.CommandText = SQLRemoveDupes
Set MM_editCmd = Nothing
EDIT: Tried the SQL below from one of the answers but I keep getting an error when running it:
SQL: DELETE FROM Newsletter_Subscribers WHERE CustID IN (select CustID from [" & strDBPath & "Customers].Customers where Subscriber_Email = Email or Subscriber_Email = EmailO)
I get a "Too few parameters. Expected 1." error message on the Execute line.