I'm trying to use NIS for authentication on a st of machines. I had to change one of the user ID numbers for a user account on the NIS server (I changed the userid for username
from 500 to 509 to avoid a conflict with a local user account with id 500 on the clients). The problem is that it has not updated properly on the client.
In particular, if I do "ypcat passwd | grep username", I get the up-to-date info:
username:*hidden*:509:509:User Name:/home/username:/bin/bash
But if I do, "ypmatch username passwd", it says:
username:*hidden*:500:500:User Name:/home/username:/bin/bash
This means that when the user logs onto one of the clients, it has the wrong userid, which causes all sorts of problems. I've done "cd /var/yp; make"
on the server, and "service ypbind restart"
on the client, but that hasn't fixed the problem. Does anybody know what would be causing this and how I can somehow force a refresh on the client? (I'm running Fedora 8 on both client and server).