I'm trying to remotely open a port in a iptables firewall using Capistrano. Here's my task:
desc "Open up a port in the firewall"
task :open_port, :roles => :all do
port = variables[:port] || nil
if (!port)
puts "You must specify the port number"
run "#{sudo} /sbin/iptables -I RH-Firewall-1-INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport #{port.to_s} -j ACCEPT"
run "#{sudo} /sbin/service iptables save"
run "#{sudo} /etc/init.d/iptables restart"
The problem is that the first command in the task locks up. I've tried running this rule using a variety of port numbers and target machines, always with the same result.
I've got literally many dozens of other rules that look much like this but that work fine. In fact, I've got a similar task where the first command is a call to iptables to create a port mapping and that task works just fine.
What's more, I can successfully run this command on the Capistrano host:
ssh -l deployer core sudo /sbin/iptables -I RH-Firewall-1-INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 2424 -j ACCEPT
This works fine. This should be exactly what Capistrano is attempting to do.
Why is this command locking up Capistrano?
TIA for a solution or any clue whatsoever.
Have Fun All!!!