



Hi all,

This is my 3rd post in the process of learning sed. I have a hypothetical requirement. I want to be able to replace 3rd word in each line by 'was', where words are delimited by space(s).

bash$ cat words
hi this is me here
hi this   is me again
hi   this   is me yet again
 hi  this   is     me

Desired output:

hi this was me here
hi this   was me again
hi   this   was me yet again
 hi  this   was     me

Could people please help with how to do it with sed. I tried a few executing instructions, but didn't work. Thanks,


I found it! I found it!

Okay, I got the right instruction at last. This works:

sed -e 's/[^ ]*[^ ]/was/3' words
+3  A: 

I always do it like this: match the first and second word using groups, and then replace them with themselves using a backreference.

sed 's/^\([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\) is/\1 \2 was/'
@Sjoerd, This will fail because of the uneven number of whitespaces.
@Sjoerd: True, when I tried it, this was able to replace in the first line, but not in later ones.
sed 's/^ *\([^ ]*\)\ \+\([^ ]*\) \+is/\1 \2 was/' file > result
I know, I was demonstrating the approach and I trust that you can tweak the regex yourself.
+2  A: 

if you do not care about formatting, this is a simpler approach

$ awk '{$3="was"}1' file
hi this was me here
hi this was me again
hi this was me yet again
hi this was me
+1, awk is nice, have just begun reading the awk programming language.

This looks at word boundaries rather than only whitespace so it works when there is punctuation, too. It requires GNU sed:

$ cat words
hi this is me here
hi this   is me again
hi   this   is me yet again
 hi  this   is     me
 hi   this   "is,  me
$ sed 's/\w\+\(\W\)/was\1/3' words
hi this was me here
hi this   was me again
hi   this   was me yet again
 hi  this   was     me
 hi   this   "was,  me
Dennis Williamson